Crabby Rabbit Productions is an American film production company based in Atlanta, GA that co-produces promising short and feature films across diverse genres.
After a heated art auction ends with a masterpiece destroyed, a retired INTERPOL director must return to unravel cryptic digital clues before other treasured works fall to an escalating threat.
When a whip smart college student brings her class project home for the summer, family and friends must navigate her unconventional romance with an AI-powered robot that speaks with a familiar voice.
When the world's first vampire encounters a woman who mirrors his ancient forbidden love, he must summon his strength and the power of the gods to shield her from vengeful rivals seeking retribution for his past sins.
An army veteran turned counselor must reconcile her grief or succumb to an addiction fueled existence meant to numb the guilt of lying to her husband.
A young food delivery driver finds herself amidst a harrowing domestic dispute involving drug-addicted parents and a baby.
Unable to make the monthly payments on her student loan debt, a recent graduate embarks on a challenging phone call with her loan provider while juggling interruptions from family members.
Taz Lake is an American writer, producer, filmmaker, and "recovering" technologist based in Atlanta, GA. The son of a career Marine, his diverse cultural exposure informs his distinctive characters and stories. He curates intriguing, socially conscious worlds accessible to universal audiences covering genres as varied as science fiction, action, dark comedy, and drama. His screenplays and films have earned recognition in prestigious festivals and competitions, including Austin Film Festival, HollyShorts, Sidewalk, DC Shorts, Richmond International, Finishline, and Filmmatic.